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    Applied Linguistics
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    Curtin University

    Applied Linguistics

    Curtin University

    Curtin University


    Australia, Perth

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level

    Master by Course Work

    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus

    Course Code



    Curtin Perth

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines25-Nov-2024
    Apply to this program

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 1 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    AUD 32,288  / year
    Next Intake 25-Nov-2024

    Applied Linguistics


    English is one of the most spoken languages in the world, making it key to effective communication between people in a myriad of social, cultural and economic contexts.

    The Master of Applied linguistics course prepares you for these contexts by combining practical and theoretical units in the field. It is designed for language education professionals who intend to teach English as a second or additional language in Australia or overseas.

    The combination of practical and theoretical units provides a rich learning experience. Your skills in TESOL will be enhanced as you connect global issues with TESOL teaching and evaluate language teaching course design and assessment practices.

    Investigating second or additional language acquisition will provide you with a backdrop to language teaching methodologies as will learning about Englishes spoken around the world.

    You will also become aware of the role of language in society and acquire the skills you need to conduct your own research project in applied linguistics.

    Please refer to the handbook for additional course overview information.

  • understand the theoretical principles and research practices underlying contemporary language education and Applied Linguistics and apply them in a sustainable manner
  • formulate and investigate problems, propose solutions to current practices, and reflect critically on the relevant empirical and theoretical literature
  • identify, access, analyse and synthesise information from a wide range of sources using appropriate technologies
  • communicate information and ideas effectively in speech and writing in ways that are appropriate for a range of audiences
  • engage effectively with appropriate technologies to store and communicate relevant information in conjunction with contemporary language education and Applied Linguistics practices
  • demonstrate capacity for independent self-directed learning; critically evaluate personal performance through a range of learning interactions; respond to feedback with a view to development as a reflective practitioner and lifelong learner
  • consider language education, Applied Linguistics and professional issues from a variety of perspectives and value-systems with a view to informing and improving professional practice and applying international standards
  • appreciate the value of individual and cultural differences in language use and learning, and the important implications they have for effective practice and professionalism in the workplace
  • work both independently and as part of a team in a way that demonstrates professionalism, a commitment to social and ethical practices and the capacity for future leadership in the field of language education and Applied Linguistics
  • Requirements

    Entry Requirements

  • Completion of 3 year post-secondary (post Year 12 equivalent) qualification OR hold a Bachelor degree (or equivalent) from a recognised University which is comparable to an AQF Associate Degree
  • English Program Requirements

    If English is not your first language, you must also check that you meet English language requirements for your chosen course. Australian students must also meet the English entry requirements.


    • TESOL (EAL/D) teacher


    Fee Information

    +estimated annual tuition fee for a full-time study load

    Plus Student Services and Amenities fee
    Scholarships and financial aid available if eligible

    Tuition Fee

    AUD 32,288 

    How to Apply

    Have your supporting documents to hand, and ensure they meet our guidelines. The documents may include certified copies of your qualifications, English language proficiency documents and supplementary forms for certain courses.

    If your documents are not issued in English, an official translation from a recognised translation service must be provided.

    Recognised translation services

    • National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) accredited translator in Australia
    • The Awarding institution
    • A Notary Public Office
    • The official Government body
    • An official and accredited translator*

    *Official translations are subject to review.

    If you have undertaken previous study or work that matches the content of some of your Curtin course units, you may be able to obtain credit for recognised learning, which exempts you from studying those units.

    Applying online: Use the ‘Apply now’ button on the relevant course page and following the prompts.

    Applying by mail or email: Download the International application for admission form [.pdf – 307 kB].

    If you want to package your course with a Curtin English course, you can submit your application with your course application documents to streamline the process.

    If your application is successful, you will receive an offer that you will need to accept or reject.

    If you accept your offer, you will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment ­– a document from Curtin that details your course, how long you will be studying the course, and the tuition fees. This document can be used for acquiring a student visa.

    Apply to the Australian government for your student visa. Gaining a student visa will allow you to participate in full-time study in Australia and work up to 40 hours in a fortnight. If you’re under 18 years of age, you must have approved accommodation and welfare arrangements in place before a visa can be issued.

    See our pre-departure resources for helpful information regarding your move to Perth.

    Curtin University

    Applied Linguistics

    Curtin University

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