This is an intercalated course designed to enable Curtin Medical School (CMS) Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) students gain experience of research and to achieve an AQF level 8 qualification. This will enable students to be eligible to progress to a higher degree by research through the PhD pathway. This is a stepping stone for medical students to pursue a clinician scientist pathway, post-internship. Students will develop critical thinking skills and application to their field of research. Independent and supervisor guided learning relevant to the research project will enable students to develop subject specific knowledge and research skills. Students will work with a supervisor to develop their research protocol and complete their research activities and data collection, analyse their results and write up the research.
Student profile
View our student profile table to get an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at Curtin University. This table provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available. It includes those admitted through all offer rounds and international students studying in Australia.