The application of science to real world problems continues to evolve and become increasingly complex and truly multi-disciplinary in nature. Nowadays, in many areas of scientific endeavour, no single science discipline is sufficient. This is reflected in multi-disciplinary fields such as astronomy, biochemistry, bioinformatics, environmental science, forensic science, and nanotechnology. The Bachelor of Multidisciplinary Science provides students the opportunity to combine study in more than one science discipline. The intention is to provide graduates with the skills to operate across the traditional boundaries of a single scientific discipline. Graduates will also be ideally placed to develop a teaching career across a range of science areas.
Student profile
View our student profile table to get an indication of the likely peer cohort for new students at Curtin University. This table provides data on students that commenced undergraduate study and passed the census date in the most relevant recent intake period for which data are available. It includes those admitted through all offer rounds and international students studying in Australia.