This course is the National Drug Research Institute (NDRI) postgraduate research program,welcoming potential PhDand Masters students with an interest in ‘alcohol and other drug research. This is a broad area of study that includes illegal drug use, alcohol policy and strategies, cannabis regulation, addiction, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)and pregnancy, school drug education, overdose prevention, justice health and alcohol and other drug use among young people and in Aboriginal communities.
VisitNDRI Postgraduate Studyto find out about current opportunities, entry requirements, potential supervisors and financial support, and to see current and completed NDRI PhD projects, go toNDRIPhD Research.
Why research at Curtin
Curtin is widely recognised for applied research firmly focused on solving real-world problems. Underpinning our research endeavours are strong partnerships with industry, business and government, which result in outcomes that greatly benefit the broader community locally, nationally and globally. Our international reputation for being a strong partner in industry-driven research ensures our graduates enjoy outstanding opportunities to become innovators in their fields.