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    PhD (Offshore)
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    CQUniversity Australia

    PhD (Offshore)

    CQUniversity Australia

    CQUniversity Australia


    Australia, Rockhampton

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level

    PhD (Philosophy Doctorate)

    Study Type

    Full Time





    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines10-Mar-2025 20-Jun-2025
    Apply to this program

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 4 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    AUD 23,136  / year
    Apply Date 20-Jun-2025
    Next Intake 10-Mar-2025

    PhD (Offshore)


    This course is comprised of an independent research study and thesis, overseen by academic supervisors. This degree is limited to high-quality applicants wishing to pursue research in particular discipline areas. For fully offshore candidates, periods of short-term visitation in Australia will be required during this degree, and travel support is available to facilitate such visits. For candidates undertaking this course under a co-tutelle model, an extended period of study within Australia will be required, typically lasting at least six months or more.

    The Research Higher Degrees Course Guide provides detailed information about eligibility, benefits provided by CQUniversity, and the application, selection and offer process.

    CQUniversity's research focus and engaged research agenda are already making positive impacts on individuals, communities and industries across the world. In the coming years, this impact will continue to grow, expanding into new focus areas and transforming the way we think about current challenges. The University's research impact is apparent in improved industry processes, regional and economic development, business improvement, productivity and innovation, social advancement and equity and healthier communities.

    CQUniversity's research agenda is built around deep engagement with communities, industries and government. The focus is firmly placed on delivering research that is especially relevant to the Northern Australia region. To deliver great research that is meaningful and relevant, researchers work directly with stakeholders to identify challenges and deliver solutions. End users are involved throughout our research projects. This approach ensures CQUniversity's research delivers direct benefit and long-lasting impact.

    CQUniversity has two research institutes – The Appleton Institute and the Institute for Future Farming Systems – and seven research centres including The Centre of Indigenous Health Equity Research, Centre for Intelligent

    Systems, Centre for Railway Engineering, Centre for Research in Equity and Advancement of Teaching and Education, Centre for Regional Economies and Supply Chains, Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research and the Coastal Marine Ecosystems Research Centre.


    Our focus has been to emphasise research with relevance to the region, involving aspects of regional development, growth in resource industries, environmental management, issues associated with quality health care in rural and regional communities, and education delivery specifically through the use of modern technology.

    Discover our research strengths at CQU.


    Every offshore research higher degree candidate is eligible for direct funding support to underpin project activities, conference attendance and travel to CQUniversity Australian campus (as per the course requirements). 

    Project support is offered as assistance for meeting the direct costs of research, including laboratory, fieldwork and data collection costs, travel for supervision visits, open access publishing fees and other items.

    Conference support is offered to active candidates who are presenting their work as a CQUniversity representative at an academic event. 

    Visitation funds are intended to facilitate a minimum of two visits to Australia (or another agreed location) to satisfy the academic requirements of the offshore degree. This may be timed to include attendance at an RHD Intensive training event.


    Entry Requirements

    Entry into the PhD (Offshore) will require applicants to meet the admissions criteria outlined in the Research Higher Degrees (Offshore) Course Rules policy and procedure.

    English Program Requirements

    If you don’t meet our English language entry requirements and need to improve your English language proficiency, you can do so through our approved English Language Instruction Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS) providers. This means that you can attend the required English language tuition at approved ELICOS providers and gain direct entry into university without an IELTS or TOEFL test.


    The Doctor of Philosophy (Offshore) provides graduates with an internationally recognised degree through the Australian Qualifications Framework. Graduates will be able to secure professional roles in academia, research centres, institutes and institutions, or in broader business and industry.

    Fee Information

    +estimated annual tuition fee for a full-time study load

    Plus Student Services and Amenities fee
    Scholarships and financial aid available if eligible

    Tuition Fee

    AUD 23,136 

    How to Apply

    • Select your course
    • Check entry requirements.
    • Check your eligibility for credit.
    • Apply online
    • Obtain certified documents.
    • Submit your application and documents.
    CQUniversity Australia

    PhD (Offshore)

    CQUniversity Australia

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