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    تواريخ البدء والمواعيد النهائية لتقديم الطلبات

    تواريخ البدء مواعيد التقديم20-سبتمبر-2022
    البدئ بالتقديم للبرنامج

    قم بزيارة موقع البرنامج الرسمي لمزيد من المعلومات

    تاريخ البدء 20-سبتمبر-2022

    قسم الأنثروبولوجيا


    The human is in the centre of anthropology. Individual, the interaction between individuals, communities, relationships between communities, culture in its broadest definition and cultural diversity, as historical or modern phenomena are among the interests of anthropology. Anthropology, which is related to the disciplines such as sociology, geography, history, linguistics employs various methods that they invented. On the other hand, since the very beginning, the tradition of anthropology largely have drawn upon ethnographic methods that are most helpful for the collection of an in-depth data about communities and contributed to the development and perfection of such methods. Hence, the creative use of ethnographic methods, which are functional for the investigation of the semantic world along with the material basis of everyday life is among the distinctive traits of anthropologists.

    The staff of Anthropology department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Yeditepe University is constituted of scholars who have a strong theoretical background, particularly in anthropology and various social sciences in general and long experience of field research. The academic staff aims to teach the contemporary and traditional approaches to the attendants and guide them during their field activities.

    Upon graduation, our graduates can work in different fields such as academic settings, research companies, museums, media companies, public institutions like DIE, DPT, foundations, international organisations like UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO, WHO. Moreover, as it is the case in other social sciences, proper education in anthropology presents a novel perspective to work in different sectors. During recent years, anthropology has become a popular field of occupation in areas such as advertisement and market studies in the private sector. 

    Anthropology department, Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Yeditepe University have accepted students for a period of longer than 18 years. Our alumni have succeeded in enriching the anthropology and social science literature in Turkey with their field and theoretical works.

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    قسم الأنثروبولوجيا

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