Perth is situated between Swan River and southwest coast. The sweeping sceneries of the city are introduced and granted via the spacious river side Kings Park and Botanic Garden above Mountain Eliza and the outskirts set by Sandy beaches.
The area of Perth city is estimated to be at 6,418 km2 founded on 12th of June, 1829. The city has a population of 2 million people, according to 2019 statistics, having different ethnicities whose reported ancestries are: New Zealanders, Indians, South Africans and Malays all of whom constitute the majority of the population in the city.
Sir Stirling, who was a pioneer in agriculture, discovered that the coast’ soil was not serviceable for agriculture, so he made up his mind to found two cities in the new settlement: a commercial port at Fremantle and a capital granted the name Perth after the Scottish city, which is located near the Swan River.
Perth was established by James Stirling, at first, in 1829, after which it received its status as a city in 1856. The city, influenced by Sir George Murray, then British Secretary of State for war and the colonies, is known now for Perth, Scotland which was the birthplace of Sir George Murray.