It is located in the English county in the south of Yorkshire. Its population is thought to have been 584,028 in 2019 residing on an area estimated at 367.9km2. By far, the majority ethnic group in Sheffield is white British –white people of British ancestry.
The name, “Sheffield”, is related to the” River Sheaf” which flows via the city. In old ages the city was called “Sceaf”, meaning “border”, so it was the border river.
In the first decade of the 12th century, Sheffield was established by William de Love tot – the Lord of the precinct. The city of Sheffield is the only city in the UK encompassing a National Park within its boundary, so it is enormous.
The city is known for steel and iron manufacturing. In addition, it is the first region for outdoor enthusiasts besides being the 4th largest city all over England.
The international reputation the city gained was for steel production in the 19th century, when its population began to grow up rapidly during the Industrial Revolution. (Stainless steel and crucible) was thrived by industry innovators in the city of Sheffield.