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    General English
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    Bell School - London

    General English - Bell School - London

    United Kingdom
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    General English - London - English



    This course will enhance your core skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking so you can confidently communicate in a variety of contexts. We will design a personal study plan for you – based on your specific goals, language level and timeline.

    General English is a customisable course. It has a weekly enrolment so you can choose how long you study, and our afternoon modules let you choose between 15, 20 or 25 hours of study per week.
    • Language 
    • Fees Per Week 
    • Course Type 
      General Course
    • Hours Per Week 
      15 Hours
    • Language Required Level 
    • Starts Every 
    • Minimum Age 
    • Average No. of students per class 
    • Maximum students per class 
    • Study time 
    Bell School
    Bell School - LondonUnited KingdomUnited Kingdom , London

    Bell London is more than just a school. We are a close-knit, engaged and friendly community that puts your education and care as our top priority.

    Although Bell thinks ‘big’ – having an excellent track record of delivering education programmes across the world – we are also able to focus on the ‘small’. Our small classes and family-like community ensure that we are able to get to know our students as individuals and encourage each of them to achieve and surpass their expectations.

    We actively encourage students to learn everywhere and practise in real-life settings through our free social programme – Language in Action – and by incorporating at least one weekly Effective English class in the city itself – making London their classroom.

    As a leading English language school in the UK, our aim has been – and always will be – to help international students achieve their dreams and realise their learning ambitions. Whichever course you study with us, you can rest assured that you will be well supported throughout your time with Bell.

    I look forward to personally welcoming you to our school.

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