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    Aerospace Engineering
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    California Polytechnic State University

    Aerospace Engineering

    California Polytechnic State University

    California Polytechnic State University


    United States of America, Aberdeen

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus


    Main Site

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines24-Jun-2022 30-Nov-2021

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 48 month(s)
    Tuition Fee
    USD 12,780  / year
    Apply Date 30-Nov-2021
    Next Intake 24-Jun-2022

    Aerospace Engineering


    Overview Aerospace Engineering at California Polytechnic State University prepares you to create more efficient and economical solutions for aircraft, spacecraft and related systems and equipment such as drones and satellites.While your studies will include math, physics and engineering concepts, you will also learn how to design, build and test aircraft, spacecraft and other machines that fly or orbit. The program focuses your studies on your own interests and career aspirations by allowing you to choose between an aeronautics or astronautics concentration.CareerAerospace Engineering graduates are employed in industries whose workers design or build aircraft, missiles, systems for national defense or spacecraft.Major employers include NASA, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and United Launch Alliance. I want to find another Bachelor Course
    Aerospace Engineering graduates at California Polytechnic State University are at the forefront of technological evolution in both air and space – and on the ground. If you hope to be embodied in the forefront of innovation, a degree in aerospace engineering might get you there.


    Aerospace Engineering


    Other Requirements

    • 1 :

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    USD 12,780 
    California Polytechnic State University

    Aerospace Engineering

    California Polytechnic State University

    [object Object]

    United States of America,


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