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    BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology
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    University of East London

    BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology

    University of East London

    University of East London


    United Kingdom, London

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus

    Course Code



    University Square Stratford

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake DeadlinesSeptember-2023
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    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 3 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    GBP 13,740  / year
    Next Intake September-2023

    BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology


    On this, one of our more popular combined courses, we'll give you an expert insight into the causes and consequences of crime - and how it is dealt with by the criminal justice system. 

    You'll gain a thorough understanding of core criminological theories, as we help you develop the psychological knowledge needed to apply insights to real-world issues and problems. 

    You'll take a social sciences approach to criminology by studying and classifying crime, while learning how society responds to criminal behaviour. Additionally, on this course you will examine institutions and roles such as the police, courts, prisons and probation service. 

    During the psychology part of this course, you'll study behaviour and its causes in biology, social contexts, mental processing and development.  Apply knowledge and insights while exploring how criminal behaviour may be explained, by understanding the factors that motivate people to commit crime. 

    In the first two years you'll gain a solid grounding in both subjects, with introductions to the main aspects of criminology, criminal justice and psychology.

    For the criminology part of the course, your studies will include contemporary issues in criminology, key theories, the legal framework, the characteristics of the criminal justice system and the historical context of crime and punishment.

    In psychology, you'll gain knowledge and understanding of key and highly relevant areas such as developmental psychology, social psychology and forensic psychology, which is the study of criminal conduct.
    As you progress into your final year you'll have a huge choice of around 27 options across both subjects to tailor your degree to areas of particular interest to you.

    The modules you can choose from include Mentally Disordered Defendants and Suspects, Psychological Criminology, Preventing and Correcting Offending Behaviour and Mental Distress in Context. You'll also work on an in-depth project, carrying out your own research on a topic of your choosing.

    We consistently review our courses to ensure we are up-to-date with industry changes and requirements from our graduates. As a result, our modules are subject to change.

    CLEARING SpacesAvailable BA(Hons)CriminologyandPsychology RoyalDocksSchoolofBusinessandLaw Developanexpertinsightintothecausesandconsequencesofcrime-andhowitisdealtwithbythecriminaljusticesystem.


    Entry Requirements

    • Tawjihi: 60% for Foundation
    • 3 x AS Levels: Foundation
    • US High School Diploma: GPA 2.0 for Foundation
    • US High School Diploma: GPA 3.0 + SAT1 1070 for Direct Entry to Bachelor's
    • International Baccalaureate (IB): 25 points with minimum 15 at Higher Level for Direct Entry to Bachelor's
    • 3 x A Levels: Direct Entry to Bachelor's


    Our Criminology and Psychology graduates have found work in a wide variety of stimulating roles. Some build their careers in directly related fields while others use the transferable skills they've learnt to pursue other opportunities.

    We place a strong emphasis on preparing you for employment, with a specific employability module in year two geared towards providing you with the best advice on how to prepare for the job market and apply for positions.

    Whether you decide to pursue a directly relevant career or not, you'll learn skills such as writing and presenting, the ability to make a case, meet deadlines and work independently – all skills that will appeal to employers in any sector.

    Students have found jobs in a number of related areas, such as:

    • The police, prison and probation services
    • Central and local government
    • Social work
    • Voluntary organisations such as Victim Support
    • The NHS

    Our graduates have also found roles in other fields such as market research, journalism, and jobs in the public sector. Others have gone on to postgraduate study, either at UEL or elsewhere.

    To enhance your career prospects, we run a dedicated employability programme for students in the School of Business and Law. Called 'Employ', it includes employability workshops, skills training sessions, guest speaker events, voluntary work, student ambassador roles and work experience opportunities.

    Explore the different career options you can pursue with this degree and see the median salaries of the sector on our Career Coach portal.

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    GBP 13,740 

    How to Apply

    (Not applicable for UK students)

    We are thrilled to announce that our international scholarships for September 2022 have been approved and successful award winners are being notified. The is no need to re-apply for another scholarship as your eligibility will be automatically assessed at time of offer. 

    If you are an applicant, you need to ensure that you have submitted a complete application, (including your personal statement and supporting documents) and we will assess your application against our internal criteria.

    Scholarships range between £1,000 and £5,000 - off your first year's tuition fees- (depending on your course  programme). If you receive an offer of a place and are assessed as eligible for an international scholarship, the amount of the award will be indicated in your offer letter. 

    International Scholarships are issued at  the University's discretion and are only available to overseas, fee-paying, offer holders studying on an undergraduate or postgraduate taught programme. Different programmes may attract different amounts and it should be noted that not all applicants will be successful.

    International Scholarships are not available for:  

    • Short courses or exchange/study abroad programmes
    • Franchised programmes
    • Pre-Masters programmes
    • International foundation programmes
    • Pre-sessional English programmes

    If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]

    • International fees and funding
      • Funding for North Americans
      • International Scholarships
    University of East London

    BA (Hons) Criminology and Psychology

    University of East London

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    United Kingdom,


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