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    Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System (DFG-SFB 1054 IRTG)
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    Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

    Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System (DFG-SFB 1054 IRTG)

    Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

    Ludwig Maximilians University Munich


    Germany, München

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus



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    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 3 year(s)

    Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System (DFG-SFB 1054 IRTG)


    Modern immunological research is positioned at the crossroads of diverse disciplines such as molecular genetics, developmental biology and cell biology, and also has immediate points of intersection with clinical medicine and diagnostics. Particular aspects of the immune system are being dissected with increasing mechanistic and molecular resolution, leading to a growing specialisation on the part of individual researchers in distinct aspects of the immune system. However, an integrated view of the complex cell-fate decisions in the immune system that are the subject of the "Sonderforschungsbereich" (SFB)/Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1054 can only be obtained if the interplay of a multitude of parameters such as cellular players, soluble factors and microenvironmental cues is taken into consideration. By providing a framework for the disciplinary and interdisciplinary training of PhD and MD students, the Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) "Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System" within the CRC 1054 strives to address the need for a "holistic" approach to immune biology. The IRTG offers several structured training activities, such as a lecture series on specific topics related to the research activities of the CRC 1054, a journal club, and soft skills training. In addition, the IRTG aims to foster individualised training activities by providing travel grants/short-term fellowships that cover external lab visits with the prospect of acquiring technological skills not available within the CRC 1054. Doctoral researchers organise annual IRTG retreats to which external keynote speakers are invited. The major emphasis of these retreats is on informal discussions of work in progress. In sum, this IRTG initiative intends to provide excellent doctoral researchers with key qualifications that are not only considered crucial for the success of the CRC 1054 but will also support a future career in life sciences. For detailed information, please visit our website. Additional support is offered by the GraduateCenter.


    Entry Requirements

    Master's degree (or equivalent) in biology, medicine, or a related field in life sciences

    How to Apply

    Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München BioMedical Center - Institute for Immunology Dr Sabine Thieme Großhaderner Strasse 9  82152 Planegg-Martinsried Germany
    Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

    Cell-Fate Decisions in the Immune System (DFG-SFB 1054 IRTG)

    Ludwig Maximilians University Munich

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