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    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines15-Oct-2021 August-2021

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 48 month(s)
    Tuition Fee
    USD 27,342  / year
    Apply Date August-2021
    Next Intake 15-Oct-2021



    Overview You’ll learn how to make financial decisions and policies based on value for the company. Our graduates go into careers in areas such as banking, trading, investment services, and corporate management.Our undergraduate students are motivated individuals who chose CU Denver to turn their passion into a career they love. Our BSBA in Finance program from Univesity of Colorado Denver supports that mission by incorporating applied coursework into our classes. Distinguishing features of our program include:Learn by doing – a required experiential learning component as a part of your degreeWell-rounded education – build a foundation in liberal arts classes before honing in on your business educationFlexible electives – with careful planning, you can add a minor or second major without delaying your graduation or explore new areas inside or outside the Business SchoolAccess to business leaders – close proximity and close ties to businesses make it easy for executives to visit our classrooms and career events I want to find another Bachelor Course
    This BSBA in Finance program from University of Colorado Denver gives you both the breadth and depth of a finance degree that can take you anywhere.




    Other Requirements

    • 1 : Complete the online applicationApplication Fee: You can pay the non-refundable $50 application fee via credit cardRequest an official high school transcript be mailed from your high school directly to the CU Denver Office of AdmissionsOfficial transcripts are those that arrive at our office in an envelope sealed by the institution or local ministry of educationThe University of Colorado Denver requires official transcripts from your US high school, as well as transcripts for any secondary school coursework completed prior to enrollment in the US. SAT/ACT tests are required for international students who have graduated from a U.S. high school

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    USD 27,342 
    University of Colorado Denver


    University of Colorado Denver

    [object Object]

    United States of America,


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