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    Duke University in United States of America
    Duke University in United States of America

    Duke University in United States of America 

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    United States of America, Oregon, Durham

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    Duke University in United States of America

    Duke University in United States of America

    United States of America
    United States of America, Oregon, Durham
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    • Phone
      +1 919 684 8111
    • Address
      Duke University, 207 Allen Building, Box 90001, Durham, North Carolina 27708-0001, United States of America

    About Duke University in United States of America

    Established in 1838, Duke University is a private university located in Durham, United States of America. It has a global ranking of 61 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

     Founded in 1838, Duke University is a private research university located in Durham, North Carolina, named after the university‚ great benefactor James Buchanan Duke‚ deceased father, Washington Duke. Its campus spans over 8,600 acres on three campuses in Durham as well as a marine lab in Beaufort.

     The main campus ‚ designed largely by architect Julian Abele ‚ incorporates Gothic architecture with the looming presence of Duke Chapel, the campus' centerpiece that seats nearly 1,600 people and contains a 5,200-pipe organ.

     Duke is the seventh-wealthiest private university in America and in 2014, Thomson Reuters named 32 of Duke's professors to its list of Highly Cited Researchers. Ten Nobel laureates and three Turing Award winners are also affiliated with the university, which is the second-largest private employer in the state of North Carolina. From its early days as Brown‚ Schoolhouse, Duke has evolved into a global academic and research powerhouse. 

    Its Levine Science Research Center is the largest single-site interdisciplinary research facility of any American university, and in 2014 Duke spread its tentacles eastwards, opening a Chinese outpost, Duke Kunshan University, which blends an American-style liberal arts education with Chinese traditions. 

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