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    Heidelberg University in Germany
    Heidelberg University in Germany

    Heidelberg University in Germany 

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    Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg

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    Heidelberg University in Germany

    Heidelberg University in Germany

    Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Heidelberg
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    Contact Information For Heidelberg University in Germany

    • Phone
      +49 6221 540
    • Email
      [email protected]
    • Address
      Heidelberg University Grabengasse 1 69117 Heidelberg

    About Heidelberg University in Germany

    Established in 1386, Heidelberg University is a public university located in Heidelberg, Germany. It has a global ranking of 84 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    Heidelberg University, founded in 1386, is Germany’s oldest university and one of the strongest research universities in all of Europe. The successes in both rounds of the Excellence Initiative and in internationally recognised rankings prove that Heidelberg’s excellent reputation and leading role in the scientific community are well deserved. In terms of educating students and promoting promising early-career academics, Heidelberg relies on research-based teaching and an outstanding, well-structured training for doctoral candidates.

    Heidelberg University is a comprehensive university, offering the full spectrum of disciplines in the humanities, law and the social sciences alongside the natural and life sciences, including medicine. As a comprehensive university, Heidelberg aims to continue to strengthen the individual disciplines and to further interdisciplinary cooperation, as well as to carry research results over into society and industry.

    With its aspiration of connecting traditional academic values with future-oriented scientific concepts in research and teaching, the university is building bridges to the future – Zukunft. Seit 1386.


    It is the declared aim of Heidelberg University to preserve and promote an atmosphere of openness, creativity and achievement. A university culture based on partnership and fair competition forms the foundation of successful work in teaching, research and administration. At the same time, it is an important factor for the prevention of academic misconduct.

    Besides existing laws, a series of mission statements, guidelines and principles have been developed at Heidelberg University, adapted to the specific situations and the respective departments or institutions and drawn up in close coordination with them. In assuming its responsibility, the university has taken particular precautions against academic misconduct, and will follow up any actual case of suspicion.


    Heidelberg University is responsible for research and directly associated teaching tasks as well as for the support of young researchers. The rector’s office has a standing commission to investigate allegations of academic misconduct.

    In the event of such an allegation, the Senate-appointed ombudsmen or the chair of the commission serve as the initial point of contact. The commission clarifies the facts of the case in detail, evaluates them and takes any necessary measures (e.g., correction order to violator, information regarding publisher, etc.) To the extent the commission deems relevant legal measures necessary, it submits a recommendation to the rectorate of the university.

    The specific rules regarding misconduct in programme services or examinations are cited in the examination regulations for each degree or study programme or the applicable doctoral regulations. In addition, there is a university-wide honesty code for study programmes and examinations.

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