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    Istanbul University in Turkey
    Istanbul University in Turkey

    Istanbul University in Turkey 

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    Turkey, Istanbul

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    Istanbul University in Turkey

    Istanbul University in Turkey

    Turkey, Istanbul
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    About Istanbul University in Turkey

    Established in 1453, Istanbul University is a public university located in Istanbul, Turkey. It has a global ranking of 626 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

     Istanbul University has been the locomotive of Turkey‚ Higher Education with its 15 faculties, 12 institutes, 2 vocational schools, 2 Schools, 2 departments, 74 research and application centers, and 216 student clubs. 

    There are over 300,000 students, 3,337 academics, and 7,067 administrative staff. The number of Istanbul University alumni is reaching almost 1 million. 

    Istanbul University is the only university in Turkey whose alumni have been awarded two Nobel Prizes. (The Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2015, Prof. Dr. Aziz Sancar and Nobel Prize in Literature, 2006, Orhan Pamuk) Istanbul University has 675 diploma programs; 20 Associate degrees, 124 Bachelor‚degrees, 329 Master‚ degrees, and 202 Ph.D. degrees. Istanbul University has a great library collection consisting of approximately 1.5 million books.

      A Short History of IstanbulUniversity The history of Istanbul University dates back to the conquest of Istanbul by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror in 1453. The Seman Madrasahs (Conqueror Madrasahs), established after the scientific meetings in Zeyrek a day after the conquest, constitute the first ring of this scientific journey. 


    Istanbul University in Turkey Ranking
