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    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA
    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA

    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA 

    United States of America Flag

    United States of America, North Dakota, Rolla

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    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA

    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA

    United States of America
    United States of America, North Dakota, Rolla
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    About Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA

    Established in 1870, Missouri University of Science and Technology is a public university located in Rolla, United States of America. It has a global ranking of 528 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    Founded in 1870 as one of the first technological schools west of the Mississippi, Missouri University of Science and Technology is one of the nation's top technological research universities. 

    Today, Missouri S&T is focused on providing a top return on investment for students, research partners, employers, and donors, as outlined in our strategic plan. 

    At Missouri S&T, you‚ have more than 97 ways to plan your rewarding career. And you‚ do it all at one of the nation‚ best technological research universities.

     Known for its engineering programs, S&T offers a variety of degree programs ‚ many of which are heavy on science and math ‚Äì and others that are focused on liberal arts and humanities, but infused with a unique technological focus.

    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA Ranking

    Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA Programs

    Scholarships available in Missouri University of Science and Technology in USA

    • Fulbright Scholarship

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    • International Undergraduate Merit-Based Scholarships

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