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    Saarland University in Germany
    Saarland University in Germany

    Saarland University in Germany 

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    Germany, Saarland, Saarbrücken

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    Saarland University in Germany

    Saarland University in Germany

    Germany, Saarland, Saarbrücken
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    About Saarland University in Germany

    Established in 1948, Saarland University is a public university located in Saarbrücken, Germany. It has a global ranking of 612 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.
    With its numerous degree programs and the variety of final qualifications offered (Diplom, Magister, state examinations and, increasingly, bachelor and master qualifications), Saarland University provides the broad spectrum of disciplines typical of a classical 
    Universitas litterarum. 

    The more traditional subjects such as business administration and economics, law, and medicine are just as much a part of Saarland University as the new degree programs that have developed from modern interdisciplinary collaborations and which reflect the increasing demand for such qualifications in today's job market. 

    Examples of these new courses include 'Biology with Special Focus on Human Biology and Molecular Biology, 'Bioinformatics /Computational Biology', 'Mechatronics Engineering', 'Micro- and Nanostructured Materials', 'Computer and Communications Technology', 'Historically-oriented Cultural Studies' and 'French Cultural Science and Intercultural Communication'.

    Integrated degree courses, which can lead to the award of a joint degree, are organized by Saarland University and foreign partner universities in the fields of business administration, physics, chemistry, materials science, and in the interdisciplinary program 'Cross-border Franco-German Studies'. In the area of teacher training, Saarland University offers an integrated bilingual (French-German) course for prospective teachers of geography and history.

     A further distinctive feature of Saarland University is the fact that the University is able to award French degrees in subjects such as Droit, Allemand und Lettres Modernes. Additional qualifications may also be obtained in numerous postgraduate courses. 

    The postgraduate courses in law and economics at the Europa-Institut enjoy an excellent reputation around the world.ResearchComputer science established itself early as a particularly distinctive element in Saarland University's research profile. 

    The expertise in computer science found within the University is complemented by a range of top-class research institutes including the German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence, the Max Planck Institute for Computer Science, and the International Conference and Research Centre for Computer Science at Dagstuhl Castle. 

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