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    The University of Toledo in USA
    The University of Toledo in USA

    The University of Toledo in USA 

    United States of America Flag

    United States of America, Washington, Aberdeen

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    The University of Toledo in USA

    The University of Toledo in USA

    United States of America
    United States of America, Washington, Aberdeen
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    About The University of Toledo in USA

    Established in 1872, The University of Toledo (UToledo) is a public university located in Aberdeen, United States of America. It has a global ranking of 1176 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    Since 1872, The University of Toledo has been improving lives. Our graduates conduct cutting-edge research, perform on stage, heal patients, teach in classrooms and make an impact in their communities. We offer 300+ undergraduate and graduate degree programs across the arts, business, education, engineering, law, medicine, natural sciences, nursing and pharmacy. At UToledo, it's all about the possibilities and opportunities. No limitations.


    At The University of Toledo, we are driven to think smarter, tackle challenges and improve lives. We are renowned for research in the areas of astronomy and astrophysics; solar energy, water quality and sustainable technologies; and cell architecture and dynamics. Other areas of unique distinction include human trafficking, disability studies, hypertension and precision medicine.

    • UToledo has 31 academic programs — including undergraduate, graduate, online and professional programs — that are nationally ranked by U.S. News & World Report. U.S. News also ranks us as a Best National University.
    • We empower our students to achieve and reach their goals ― personally, academically and professionally. We offer students plentiful opportunities to build their skills and resumes through experiential, hands-on learning. Our student outcomes attest to the power of a supportive campus community to our students’ success.
    • Our Tuition Guarantee puts a UToledo degree within reach for more families. By offering students an affordable and transformational degree, UToledo is paving the way for their future success. UToledo is ranked a Top Performer in Social Mobility by U.S. News & World Report and is ranked second in Ohio for graduates’ social mobility. UToledo is among the highest compared to other Ohio public research universities for graduates’ income mobility.
    • Average Incoming Freshman GPA 3.56
    • Undergraduate Students 11,000+
    • Nationally ranked programs 31
    • Student Organizations 400+
    • Academic Programs 300+
    • Graduate Students 3,600+
    • Countries Represented 90
    • Alumni Worldwide 168,000+

    The University of Toledo in USA Ranking

    The University of Toledo in USA Programs
