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    University of Alberta in Canada
    University of Alberta in Canada

    University of Alberta in Canada 

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    Canada, Edmonton

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    University of Alberta in Canada

    University of Alberta in Canada

    Canada, Edmonton
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    About University of Alberta in Canada

    Established in 1908, University of Alberta is a public university located in Edmonton, Canada. It has a global ranking of 96 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    The University of Alberta is one of Canada‚ top universities and among the world‚Äôs leading public research-intensive universities, with a reputation for excellence across the humanities, sciences, creative arts, business, engineering, and health sciences. Home to world-leading facilities such as the Canada National Institute for Nanotechnology and the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology, the U of A attracts the best and brightest minds from around the globe. 

    Our students choose from 400 undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs in 18 faculties. We lead the country with the most 3M national teaching fellowships (Canada's highest award for undergraduate teaching excellence). With over 100 years of history and 250,000 alumni, the U of A is known globally for equipping graduates with the knowledge and skills to be tomorrow‚leaders.

     The U of A is located in Edmonton, Alberta, a dynamic city with one million residents and the major hub for Alberta‚ thriving energy industry. The main campus, in the center of Edmonton, is minutes from downtown with bus and subway access through the city. Home to nearly 40,000 students, including more than 7,000 international students from over 150 countries, the U of A fosters a supportive and multicultural atmosphere within a vibrant research environment.

    University of Alberta in Canada Ranking

    University of Alberta in Canada Programs

    Scholarships available in University of Alberta in Canada

    • Myer Horowitz Graduate Students' Association Graduate Scholarship

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    • Brookfield Residential Graduate Scholarship in Urban and Regional Planning

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    • E William Kuder Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Medicine

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    • Sadler Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering

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    • Donald Lougheed Engineering Graduate Scholarship

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    • Jacob H Masliyah Graduate Award in Oil Sands Engineering

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    • Gerald J Maier/NOVA Chemicals Corporation Graduate Recruitment Award

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    • Harriet Snowball Winspear Graduate Scholarship in the Faculty of Arts

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    • Faculty of Saint John Graduate Scholarship

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    • H Jean McDiarmaid Scholarship

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    • Libby Ritter Warick Memorial Graduate Travel Bursary

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    • Dr William Youdelis Graduate Scholarship in Engineering

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    • Molly Spohn Research Travel Grant

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    • Helen E Penhale Graduate Research Travel Award

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    • Oil Service Charitable Organization Graduate Scholarship

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