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    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA
    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA

    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA 

    United States of America Flag

    United States of America, Wisconsin, Richmond

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    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA

    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA

    United States of America
    United States of America, Wisconsin, Richmond
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    Contact Information For Virginia Commonwealth University in USA

    • Phone
      +1 804 828 0100
    • Email
      [email protected]
    • Address
      Virginia Commonwealth University, PO Box 842527, 901 W. Franklin Street, Richmond, Virginia 23284-2527, United States of America

    About Virginia Commonwealth University in USA

    Established in 1837, Virginia Commonwealth University is a public university located in Richmond, United States of America. It has a global ranking of 900 for the year 2025 according to QS World University Rankings’ website.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    Virginia Commonwealth University is one of eight universities nationwide that has earned designation as a National Academic Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    The centers serve as models for the prevention of youth violence and foster an environment that encourages collaborations among health scientists, social scientists, and the community with the common goal of reducing violence among youth.

    VCU's designation as a Center of Excellence on Youth Violence Prevention is a significant honor that speaks to the expertise, initiative, and dedication of our faculty and staff who are committed to addressing youth violence prevention.

    Virginia Commonwealth University in USA Ranking

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