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    Hacettepe University


    Hacettepe University

    Hacettepe University


    Turkey, Istanbul

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


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    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake DeadlinesSeptember-2021

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 7 year(s)
    Next Intake September-2021



    Edebiyat Fakültesine bağlı Arkeoloji Bölümü 4 yıllık örgün eğitim vermektedir. Arkeoloji Bölümünün verdiği dersler ve genel kültür derslerinin eğitim dili Türkçedir.Arkeoloji Bölümünün temel hedefi evrensel değerler ışığında, ülkemizin ihtiyaç duyduğu donanımlı, çağdaş teknolojileri mesleğinde kullanma becerisine sahip ve araştırma, öğretim ve hizmet alanlarındaki üretimini toplum yararına sunmayı görev edinmiş bireyler yetiştirmektir. Ülkemizin sahip olduğu eşsiz kültür varlıklarını bilimsel metodlarla gün ışığına çıkartabilecek yetkin arkeologlar eğiterek bu eserleri müzelerimizde çağdaş yöntemlerle koruma ve sergilemeyi bilen elemanlar yetiştirmek önemli görevlerimiz arasında yer almaktadır.
    In Hacettepe University, since 1982, under the Department of Archeology, education has been carried out in undergraduate, master and doctoral programs. In 1989, the Protohistory and Near Eastern Archeology Department was established as an independent undergraduate education in the Archeology-Art History Department. As the Archeology Department, apart from the Art History Department, it was established in 1997 and the Prehistory, Protohistory and Near Eastern Archeology and Classical Archeology Departments were established. During this period, undergraduate education was continued only in the Department of Protohistory and Near Eastern Archeology. In Turkey in 2001 after the abolition of the Department of Archeology is the Equal Weighted Joint Degree program formed part of this program is still ongoing. Since 2010, the entrance type to our department has been determined by YÖK as TM-3 and since 2018 as Equal Weighted (EA).


    Entry Requirements

    To enter the Archaeology Department, it is required to finish secondary education or get an equivalent education abroad and receive sufficent score in the nationol student placement exam.
    Hacettepe University


    Hacettepe University

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