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    Art and Design with Creative Technologies, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2022/23 entry
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    Birmingham City University

    Art and Design with Creative Technologies, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2022/23 entry

    Birmingham City University

    Birmingham City University


    United Kingdom, Birmingham

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus


    Margaret Street

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake DeadlinesSeptember-2023
    Apply to this program

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 3 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    GBP 13,980  / year
    Next Intake September-2023

    Art and Design with Creative Technologies, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2022/23 entry


    Our course will prepare you to be ready for employment within the creative industries by providing you with long-term creative skills to map out your creative future. With you at the centre, we will explore the intersections of art and design, providing a space where you can understand, develop and create a career in the evolving creative industries. You will develop the necessary self-awareness to question, make, play and create with others.

    The versatility of our experimental studio environment will enable you to explore the necessary collisions that innovative ideas creation now requires, while enhancing a range of core skills including design thinking, creative problem-solving, collaboration, communication, and making.

    Whether you choose to combine creative coding with foraging for natural materials, photography with artificial intelligence, or welding with audio performance, you will respond to live briefs set by real-life clients.

    The flexible, student-centred approach to the curriculum, informed by professional practitioners, will enable you to be imaginative, confident and convincing in designing and shaping your role in tomorrows free flowing, boundary free creative industries.

    Creative Technologies Pathway

    All students will be introduced to the fundamentals of interdisciplinary art and design practice with a focus on new creative technologies, which forms the core ethos of this course. In line with the development of our digital futures we are introducing an optional pathway in Creative Technologies which will give you the opportunity to focus specifically on further developing your digital skills through a breadth of technological approaches.

    If you choose the Creative Technologies pathway you will cover the same curriculum, but will opt for technology-based outcomes. You will be assessed in relation to your exploration, questioning and use of a range of contemporary digital technologies and your creative applications in relation to the module theme. Work may still embrace a sense of physicality, but the focus will retain an element of Creative Technologies. You can either choose the Creative Technologies pathway at the start of your studies, or transfer over to the Creative Technologies pathway at the end of each academic year. At the end of each year, during feedback with tutors, you can transfer over to the Creative Technologies pathway, but you will be required to evidence 80% engagement with the weekly Creative Technologies workshops, which you will document on a digital platform ‘Workshop Log. If you have not engaged in workshops to 80%, you will need to evidence sufficient engagement over the summer.

    Maker? Thinker? Futurist? Coder? Performer? Technologist? Conservationist? Designer? Interested? Many innovative creative studios now define themselves as interdisciplinary, a word which we define as the fluid movement across the fields of art, design and technology....


    Faculty Faculty of Arts

    Design and Media


    Entry Requirements

    Certificate of General Secondary Education 60% PLUS Community College Diploma/Associate Degree with minimum grade 60% / 2.5 / C+

    Note: Engineering courses require minimum C+ score in Mathematics.

    English Program Requirements

    Even though you may have met the stated requirements, if your first language is not English, we may ask you to take an additional English Language Test when you arrive.

    Based on the results of the test, you may be required to attend regular English classes to improve your level of competence. English classes are provided free of charge and are available to all non-UK students who wish to attain greater fluency in English.


    Enhancing employability skills

    Our course seeks to respond to the rapidly evolving creative industries, to enable you to not only be ready for immediate employment, but also for future evolutions within the industries, by providing you with long-term skills and employability. Informed by professional practitioners and researchers, the course reflects pioneering practices that cross art, design, and creative technologies. The course will enable you to be imaginative, confident and convincing in taking up and even designing and shaping your future role as a creative leader and practitioner of change.

    The course offers strong employability potential for students as the Digital Creative sector is the largest growth sector of the creative industries. All skills and capabilities developed on the course are highly transferable and will support you to develop a range of knowledge, skills, behaviours attributes and attitudes which will enable you to be successful not just in employment but in life. The breadth and fluidity of the course will enable you to build an awareness and development of the following transferable skills: adaptability; creativity; collaboration; problem solving; communication; listening; analytical reasoning; critical thinking; attention to detail; and, writing.

    Key employability skills will also be acquired through:

    • Working on live briefs with real clients in an employment context, enabling you to collaborate, communicate effectively, build social skills and develop a global perspective.
    • The option of a work placement module, professional placement year, and multiple live briefs will be offered with potential employers as real partners in learning.
    • A Personal Tutor will help you reflect on your employability.
    • School Employability Leads, Academic Supervisors, Careers Advisors and Graduate Plus Teams will be able to provide support and advice.

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    GBP 13,980  / year

    How to Apply

    Application checklist

    Think you're ready to submit your UCAS application? Take a look over our handy checklist to make sure you've got everything covered before hitting 'send'.

    1. Check your personal details are correct

    Sounds simple, doesn't it? But ensure the basic personal information you're providing is spelled correctly and is accurate. That goes for everything from your name and address, to your education and employment history.

    2.Re-visit your top five

    You can select up to five course choices. Go back and make sure you've selected the right courses at the right institutions - some courses have similar sounding names and different content, so it's best to double check.

    3. Triple check your personal statement

    By this point, you should have completed a number of drafts of your personal statement, but it's worth giving it one last look over, or even giving to to a friend or family member for a final proof read. If you've been drafting it in a word document, paste it into the UCAS personal statement form to check that it meets the character and line limits, and nothing gets cut off.

    4. Ensure your reference is complete

    Whether you apply independently, or through a school, college or centre, you will need a referee to provide a reference in support of your application. You wont be able to access your reference, but UCAS will tell you if it has been completed or not.

    5. Pay for your application

    Once all sections of your application are marked with a red tick, you will then be able to pay for your application. For 2021 entry, the application fee is £22 for a single choice, or £26.50 for more than one choice.

    6. Hit send!

    As soon as you're happy that everything is good to go, hit the button and breathe a big sigh of relief! Remember, you don't have to wait until deadline day, if your application is complete ahead of time, you can submit it early and get it out of the way.

    Birmingham City University

    Art and Design with Creative Technologies, Undergraduate - BA (Hons) - 2022/23 entry

    Birmingham City University

    [object Object]

    United Kingdom,


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