Industrial Engineering is one of the significant majors in engineering. The Industrial Engineering Program at Almaarefa University has been designed to offer a modern, high-quality program that provides students with the necessary knowledge and skills in physics, mathematics, and using computers which enable them to develop their abilities, and to deploy it effectively in engineering disciplines in general, and industrial engineering in particular.
The graduate of the Industrial Engineering program obtains an excellent background in scientific and technical foundations, integrated knowledge and skills in the field of applied sciences including engineering sciences, industrial engineering and production systems (manufacturing and services).The program provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary for the four main areas of specialization including manufacturing systems engineering, industrial process systems engineering, human factors engineering, and quality, safety and maintenance systems engineering.
The study program plan includes a number of curriculum courses spread over five academic years, including the general preparation year. In order to obtain a science degree in industrial engineering, the student must successfully complete 165 credit hours (five academic years). The program begins with the general preparation year (first year: Level 1 and Level 2), which contains an intensive English language program that enhances students' English language skills, in addition to other knowledge and skills in general and basic sciences such as mathematics, computer skills, chemistry and physics, Islamic studies and Arabic language skills. The following four years (levels 3-10) include college and major requirements, compulsory hours for all engineering departments and specialized core courses for industrial engineering, a graduation project, and a practical summer internship. All these courses will give the student a solid background in the basic topics of industrial engineering.