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    International Development Studies
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    McGill University

    International Development Studies

    McGill University

    McGill University


    Canada, Montreal

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    On Campus


    Downtown (Montreal) Campus

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines30-Aug-2023
    Apply to this program

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 4 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    CAD 3,634  / credit
    Next Intake 30-Aug-2023

    International Development Studies


    International Development Studies (IDS) seeks to understand and address problems facing developing countries. It is an inherently interdisciplinary field that examines issues through a range of lenses like political science, economics, science, anthropology, sociology, environment, and many others.  

    As an IDS student, you can focus on your interests within the following streams:  

    1. Economic Development and Living Standards: You will study factors contributing to economic growth, the trade-offs associated with different ways of achieving it, and the distributional issues that arise. This stream explores what "کdevelopment' means in different contexts.  
    2. States and Governance: You will focus on how political institutions shape developmental processes.  
    3. Culture and Society: You will learn how the social structures, history, and culture of populations affect development processes.  
    4. Environment and Agricultural Resources: Within development studies, the environment has long been recognized as a vital determinant of development. This stream highlights the delicate balance that must be attained between humans and their environments to make sustained livelihoods possible.  

     McGill's IDS program is truly flexible – chose from these streams and tailor an education to your specific interests and skills.

    International Development Studies (IDS) seeks to understand and address problems facing developing countries. It is an inherently interdisciplinary field that examines issues through a range of lenses like political science,...


    Business and economics


    Entry Requirements

    • Canadian citizenship or Canadian permanent residency
    • 23 years of age or older by the start of classes (21 years of age for the Faculties of Management and Music)
    • No high school, college or university level studies within the last five years that would constitute a basis for admission
    • Two letters of reference
    • Mature Student Statements:
      • Letter of Intent, including description of all educational experiences
      • Complete resume of employment and other activities, highlighting points relevant to the application
    • In some cases, an interview may be required
    • Demonstrate academic potential by successfully completing a minimum number of specific courses (see 'Minimum grades & prerequisites' below) within the three-year period prior to admission and no later than May 15th of the year of application for the intended program (May 1 for some programs). These courses, which may be completed at CEGEP or university, will also fulfill prerequisites for the intended program. 


    Your career path in this field can change depending on your chosen stream. If you focus on States and Governance, you might work with government officials to study and improve development through public policy. Whichever stream you choose, you will stay up to date on current events and work closely with other specialists, both national and international.  

    You could become a:  

    • Foreign Correspondent 
    • Government Administrator 
    • Legislative Aid 
    • Analyst 
    • Public Affairs Consultant 

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    CAD 3,634 

    How to Apply

    1. Know your deadlines.

      Mark your calendar with these important dates regarding your application. 

    2. Decide what to study.

      Use the program finder tool to explore over 300 undergraduate programs and find your best match. 

    3. Make sure you're eligible.

      Admission to most programs is based on grades only. In this step, you'll find:
      • How your academic record is reviewed
      • The grades that gained entrance to your program in previous years
      • The prerequisites for your program
    4. Get ready to apply.

      As of October 1, you can apply. Complete each step of the pre-application to-do list, including:

      • Understand the deadlines that apply to you
      • Prepare your academic documents
      • Identify supporting documents you'll need to provide
    5. Submit your application.

      Review our tips on how to apply and see what the application fees will be. Remember that you can apply to two programs.

    6. Apply for an entrance scholarship.

      Look into entrance scholarships early! The deadline is usually a week after your application deadline. This page provides information about entrance scholarships, bursaries, and other funding opportunities.

    7. Submit documents and keep in touch.

      We'll connect with you by email to let you know when to upload supporting documents, if required. In this step, you'll see:
      • How to follow your applications status
      • Supporting documents you may need to prepare
      • How to submit supporting documents, including self-reporting your grades
    McGill University

    International Development Studies

    McGill University

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