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    International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL)
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    Justus Liebig University Giessen

    International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL)

    Justus Liebig University Giessen

    Justus Liebig University Giessen


    Germany, Gießen

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    International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL)


    The GGL provides an interdisciplinary, concisely structured graduate programme for all Life Science disciplines at the Justus Liebig University (JLU) in the fields of Human, Dental, and Veterinary Medicine; Psychology and Sport Sciences; Biology; Chemistry; and Nutritional, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. Based on the diverse set of disciplines at JLU, we have built a comprehensive concept for doctoral education in which topic-oriented doctoral projects are embedded into the multidisciplinary research background of the GGL. This concept combines experimental projects leading to a dissertation with a flexible curriculum consisting of scientific training and a doctoral development programme designed to improve your professional skills. In order to promote an international atmosphere, the GGL conducts all communications and events in English. The GGL is a network of ten interdisciplinary research sections (also see list of doctoral programmes). These sections offer a structured scientific curriculum organised in seminars, guest lectures by renowned scientists, and practical courses. A staff of senior scientists and members of their respective institutes and research labs contributes as dedicated teachers and active researchers to each specific programme. The scientific focus in each section is driven by current topics in Life Sciences: collaborative research projects and graduate training groups are major contributors to the section’s profiles. Our Doctoral Development Programme accompanies you through your studies as a junior researcher and prepares you for your future career. The programme features workshops including the following topics: self-organisation, research environment, intercultural awareness, communication skills, research and career management, networking, computing and software as well as business training for life scientists. The GGL Annual conference functions as a platform for presenting new results of doctoral projects, while internationally renowned guest speakers set the scene for the presentation programme of each research section. This creates a productive atmosphere for new ideas and is a highlight of GGL membership. Because of a constantly high percentage of international doctoral researchers (40-50%) in the GGL, we are truly experienced in supporting our international members. For instance, we offer a range of special services, such as the provision of personal mentors for the students during their first days in Giessen, language courses in German and English, and workshops in intercultural training. You can also count on us, when it comes to planning your next career steps, in academia or industry.

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    EUR 0 
    Justus Liebig University Giessen

    International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL)

    Justus Liebig University Giessen

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