Provides a nationally accredited initial teaching qualification for students who have already obtained a Bachelor degree or an equivalent qualification in areas other than Education.
The Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) is dedicated to producing quality graduates ready to take up employment across the early childhood education sector, including teaching children from birth to 8 years of age.
Dealing specifically with children from birth to 8 years of age, this course focuses on the care and education of children in this age group in partnership with families and communities.
This course is built on the principle that students come to the program with strengths from a diverse range of educational and life experiences. Reflective thinking and research, with an emphasis on links between theory and practice is valued. Students develop a deep understanding of the importance of building strong, positive relationships with children, families, communities and colleagues.
Students are taught how to develop, implement and assess socially inclusive curricula where children are valued, respected and productively engaged in learning.
This course accommodates "principles and dimensions" of excellence and is delivered through mutually beneficial partnerships between ECU, and individual schools and early childhood settings.