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    Philosophy, Literary Studies and Linguistics B.A.
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    RWTH Aachen University

    Philosophy, Literary Studies and Linguistics B.A.

    RWTH Aachen University

    RWTH Aachen University


    Germany, Aachen

    University RankQS Ranking

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    Main Site

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    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines10-Oct-2022
    Apply to this program

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 3 year(s)
    Tuition Fee
    EUR 2,329  / Year
    Next Intake 10-Oct-2022

    Philosophy, Literary Studies and Linguistics B.A.


    From Newton's apple to black holes in physics we try to understand the world using systematic experiments and observations. The focus of investigations in physics are not just bodies and the forces effecting them, but also other parameters, which cannot be directly perceived, such as the relationship between time and space.


    Entry Requirements

    1. University Entrance Qualification Certificate

    In order to be able to apply for a Bachelor's degree program or for a state examination program, you first need the authorization to attend university. This is also known as a university entrance qualification certificate or HZB (in German) for short. As a rule, you acquire the HZB by successfully completing secondary education or, in other words, by graduating from a secondary school.

    Since the level of education in secondary school varies greatly from country to country, it may be that your school-leaving certificate does not yet entitle you to attend a German university. In this case, you have two options: Either you first study several semesters in your home country or you attend a preparatory college in Germany.

    The overall average grade of your HZB must be at least equivalent to the German grade 2.5. If your average grade is worse than 2.5, admission to the degree program (degree programs with open admission) or participation in the allocation procedure (degree programs with restricted admission) is not possible. (EXCEPTION: Proof of TestAS - see yellow box "TestAS for Internationals")

    2. Complete Application On Time

    An extremely important requirement for a successful application is that all your documents are complete and submitted on time. You can upload all your application documents on your online application on RWTHonline. You can find out the required documents for your application, as well as the current application deadlines on our Application pages.

    English Program Requirements

    Proof of Language Skills

    RWTH currently only offers Bachelor and Staatsexamen courses of study in German. You must therefore provide proof of German language skills at C1 level when you enroll. You can find more information at our web page about


    After receiving a solid foundation in the fundamental principles of physics along with a broad spectrum of topics during their studies, Physicists are active in a manner of diverse careers and have good chances in the job market. They are appreciated not only for their expert knowledge, but also for their problem solving abilities. They can grasp complex quantitative interrelations and develop systematic strategies for the solution of problems. They are also well experienced in working as part of a team and on projects.

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    EUR 2,329  / Year

    How to Apply

    • Abitur certificate or equivalent school leaving certificate
    • Bachelor's diploma if applying as a Master's student
    • Proof of academic achievements to date - for RWTH students, an excerpt of the RWTHonline transcript of records is sufficient.
    • if available, internship and work references as well as proof of other skills or social involvement
    • Letter of admission for studies at RWTH Aachen University if you are from abroad and are not yet enrolled at RWTH at the time of application.
    RWTH Aachen University

    Philosophy, Literary Studies and Linguistics B.A.

    RWTH Aachen University

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