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    Software Engineering
    Go to Cyprus Science University
    Cyprus Science University

    Software Engineering

    Cyprus Science University

    Cyprus Science University


    Cyprus, Kyrenia

    Key Facts

    Program Level


    Study Type

    Full Time


    Main Site

    Program Language


    Start & Deadlines

    Next Intake Deadlines22-Feb-2023 22-Feb-2022

    Go to the official application for the university

    Duration 48 month(s)
    Tuition Fee
    USD 2,600  / year
    Apply Date 22-Feb-2022
    Next Intake 22-Feb-2023

    Software Engineering


    Overview Vision of the Software Engineering program offered by Cyprus Science University  Being one of the leading Software Engineering departments in our country and in the world in the fields of scientific research, projects and education, which are sought at international level.Educates competent engineers needed by industry, academia and society, both nationally and internationally; Being one of the leading Software Engineering departments in our country and in the world in the field of projects and educational subjects sought at international level.Career OpportunitiesIn the country where computer usage is spreading rapidly, graduates of software engineering department have the opportunity to work in various public and private institutions operating in administration, education, industry, trade and service areas, banks, universities, marketing companies producing computer hardware and software.
    The Software Engineering program offered by Cyprus Science University educates software engineers who can carry out studies by establishing cooperation in domestic and abroad and thus contribute to the development of the country and the society as well as to be able to produce effective solutions by using engineering approaches in the software life cycle, with ethical principles and life-


    Computer Sciences

    Software Engineering

    Web Technologies & Cloud Computing


    Other Requirements

    • 1 : High School Diploma: A copy of a high school diploma in English or in Turkish.Official Transcript : A copy of official  transcript and its translated copy (English or Turkish).Exam Result : A copy of the exam result that is being used for application

    Fee Information

    Tuition Fee

    USD 2,600 
    Cyprus Science University

    Software Engineering

    Cyprus Science University

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