Here is all you need to know as an international student!
About Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London in UK
At Central, we challenge students to be original thinkers, inventive and effective collaborators, and creative entrepreneurs who go on to make a difference.
With 15 courses at undergraduate level and 14 Master’s programmes, alongside an expansive and award-winning Research department, we offer Europe’s most comprehensive choice of specialist higher education drama, theatre and performance training. We have an unrivalled range of international partners and collaborators, strong industry links, a wide portfolio of professional placement opportunities and some of the highest graduate employment rates in the sector.
Students from all over the world come to study at Central, not only to train in their chosen discipline, but also to learn about all the other related subjects and how they interrelate. We are a truly international community drawn from some 50 different nations across the globe.
These are undoubtedly extraordinary times and we are acutely aware, as are you, that the theatre, festivals and live events industries will face enormous challenges arising from Covid-19 until such time as audiences are willing and able to reassemble in physical spaces. During this period, drama schools will be among the organisations best able to continue to make new work, online or in physically distanced ways. And through it all, Central remains a safe and supportive environment where students are encouraged to experiment with practices at the forefront of theatre and performance, and to interrogate the great traditions that are part of the School’s long history.
The immediate future poses challenges but, at Central, you can be part of the solution. Central’s current and future students, our staff and partner arts organisations, will work together to find innovative ways to overcome the obstacles Covid-19 has placed in front of the traditional ways of making and seeing performance. The performing arts will adapt and thrive again, and it will be today’s students that shape the future, with a blend of traditional skills and new techniques and understanding.
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, University of London in UK Programs
Acting (CDT)
BachelorActing (Musical Theatre)
BachelorCostume Construction
BachelorDesign for Performance
BachelorDrama, Applied Theatre and Education
BachelorExperimental Arts and Performance
BachelorLighting Design
BachelorProduction Lighting
BachelorProp Making
BachelorScenic Painting for Stage and Screen
BachelorSet Construction for Stage and Screen
BachelorSound Design and Production
BachelorStage Management and Technical Theatre
BachelorWriting for Performance