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    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom
    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom

    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom 

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    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom

    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom

    United Kingdom
    United Kingdom, England, Oldham
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    About University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom

    Established in 2005, University Campus Oldham is a public university located in Oldham, United Kingdom.With a broad range of degree programs, it offers a unique academic and culturally immersive experience for international students.

    University Campus Oldham opened in May 2005 bringing higher education courses to the people of Oldham.

    This has allowed thousands of students to access Higher Education close to home. Courses have always been aligned to employers` needs in Oldham and Greater Manchester so our graduates have the best opportunities to start their careers of choice.

    Since August 2012, University Campus Oldham, has been part of the Oldham College family. Our courses are of the highest quality as they are validated by leading United Kingdom universities who have the highest quality standards, approved by QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education).

    Quality Report
    QAA Initial Review of Oldham College, March 2013. The QAA review team identified the following features of good practice at Oldham College:

    the helpful and clear information in student course and module handbooks
    the development of vocational and academic skills within courses, especially those linked to employer engagement
    staff make a very effective contribution to student learning through their accessibility, academic expertise and vocational networking
    the Academic Skills Unit provides valued and effective support in enabling students to achieve learning outcomes through close liaison with the subject tutor.
    QAA Initial Review: report of the interim monitoring visit at Oldham College, February 2015, update on good practice The College has produced a comprehensive, clear and accurate course handbook template. The students state that the course handbook contains all the information that they need. The Course Teams populate the template with specific course information and distribute it at induction. It is also available electronically on the virtual learning environment (VLE).

    Academic and vocational skills linked to employability are a key strand of the College’s teaching and learning strategy for higher education. The College has strong employer links and has Employer Advisory Boards for the main subjects. Every course has a bank of contextualised resources relating to employment and students confirm that the courses prepare them well for future employment. The College has also participated in the Higher Education Academy’s Strategic Enhancement Programme: Embedding Employability into the Curriculum.

    Staff continue to make a very effective contribution to student learning through their accessibility, academic expertise and vocational networking. In addition to timetabled teaching sessions, students have group and individual tutorials to support their learning.

    The Academic Skills Centre continues to provide a valuable resource to support learning and offers both drop-in surgeries and scheduled workshops for all students.

    University Campus Oldham in United Kingdom Programs
